
Memorial Society.

The Memorial Society is this year endeavoring to raise a fund, the income of which will be used for the yearly expenses. Circulars have been sent out to graduates for subscriptions, and the answers received thus far have been quite favorable to the society. If a sufficient sum to give a yearly income of two hundred dollars can be raised, it will be handed over to the Corporation and only the interest will be used from year to year.

A series of lectures given two years ago by President Eliot, Robert Grant '73, and Moorfield Storey '66, proved very successful, and though nobody has yet been secured, it is hoped that another lecture may be given some time this spring. The regular Memorial Day address in Sanders Theatre will be delivered by Gov. Wolcott this year.

The society has on hand several minor matters which are soon to be undertaken. The stone near Wadsworth House is to be moved to a better and more protected site, and the old sun dial on the western end of Massachusetts Hall is to be renovated.
