TRACK TEAM.- All men trying for the track team meet in front of University every morning except Sunday at 8 o'clock. All jumpers be out at 3.30 sharp today, Thursday, if the weather is warm.
FOOTBALL.- Practice every day in the week except Wednesday and Saturday at 4.15 p. m. Every man who is physically able is urged to come out bringing what football clothes he has.
'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal Friday at 6.45. New music must be known.
'VARSITY Glee Club and Bohemian Orchestral Club.- Concert at Associates' Hall, Milton. Special car leaves the square at 6.40 sharp.
FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 6.45 in L. S. S. "Rendezvous" must be learned.
'98 second at 4.30.
'99 second at 4.30.
1900 first at 3.30, others at 4.30.
1901 first at 3.30, others at 4.30.
FRENCH PLAY.- Rehearsal of the second act this evening at 8.30 in Ware Hall Gymnasium.
FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Outfielders be on Soldiers Field at 3; all others at 3.30.
SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon from 3 p. m. until 5 p. m. All interested are urged to come out and try for the team.
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