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The decision making only members of the two upper classes and graduate students eligible for membership in the new University Debating Club, is, we believe, a wise one in that it bids fair to ensure the success of future Sophomore Clubs by placing an attraction which might lessen his support for his class club, beyond the Sophomore's reach.

It is felt that taking Sophomore debating as a whole the centralizing of class interest in one organization will prove beneficial, since the absence of faculty instruction in that class makes it possible to keep such an organization on an effective footing. Moreover it seems that with a Sophomore club representative of the best talent in the class, contests with equally representative Freshman teams will arouse greater interest, be more hotly contested, and thus raise the standard. Thus plainly the provision is in favor of the existing class clubs.

In the work of the 'Varsity Club itself the best debaters in the two upper classes will be brought into more frequent contact than is possible in English 30 and English 6, and if the weekly debates receive creditable support, doubtless much benefit will be derived by all concerned. Public opinion is that the two upper classes because of the courses of instruction provided can not support class clubs, and past experience has shown that they could not support two so to speak 'Varsity Clubs. We believe, however, that a single University Debating Club will keep alive sufficient interest to ensure its success.
