As announced this morning the plan encouraged by the B. A. A. for interscholastic rowing is to be definitely acted on Friday evening. The plan was suggested some time ago and the promise was made that if local schools proved in favor, the B. A. A. boathouse and rowing coach would be placed at their disposal during certain hours. As might have been expected this liberal offer was received with enthusiasm by several schools, and now only the final arrangements remain.
If the B. A. A. succeds in establishing rowing among the schools subject to a good coaching system, the service rendered will be a great one. Past experience has shown that of the men who are ultimately prominent oars in college, no small part have received school training. The one drawback so far as these are concerned has been that their grounding is often of a different character than the principles they are taught in the college eights, and consequently they have to unlearn and assimilate anew. In coaching crews from the Boston schools the B. A. A. rowing authorities have the opportunity of rendering a distinct service to Harvard by starting novices on practically the same lines of coaching to which they will be subjected after entrance.
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Overseers' Meeting.