The abandonment of the plan to organize the class crew substitutes into four-oared crews and to maintain them in connection with the class crews is, on the whole, for the benefit of the men who would be in the fours. The coaches would have been forced to neglect them for the eights which are, of course, of the first importance, while now by joining their respective Weld crews, they can get plenty of coaching and at the same time raise the standard of those crews.
The chief fault to be found at present with the boating plans for the spring is in the lack of provision for any general activity after the middle of April when the class races are to take place. It certainly seems as though there ought to be more than two crews of 'Varsity candidates kept on the river during the last two months of the year, the best months of all for rowing. If the present interest shown in the sport can be taken to mean anything, we believe that a second class race or a regatta between scrub crews, held toward the end of May, would be highly successful. The objection that such an event would be an anticlimax to the regular class race and would therefore fall flat has but little weight. There are plenty of men who enjoy rowing enough for its own sake to make a well contested regatta later in the spring.
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