

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

CRIMSON CANDIDATES.- Goodridge, Gorman, Brigham, H. B. Clark, Palmer, Davis, Hobbs, A. S. Clark, Sachs, W. R. Lawrence, Dana, W. Morse, Chandler, Trainer, Davenport, Hallowell, Thurston, Cheney, report in office between 2.30 and 5 today. All others may consider themselves dropped.

COLLEGE NINE.- Practice on Holmes Field at 3.30.

FOOTBALL.- Practice every day in the week except Wednesday and Saturday at 4.15 p. m. Every man who is physically able is urged to come out bringing what football clothes he has.

FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Practice on Soldiers Field at 4 sharp.

FRENCH PLAY BALLET.- Trial Monday, 7.15, at Craigie Inn. Those not attending will be dropped. Others are urged to try, as none as yet have been chosen.


'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.30.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal this evening at 7 in L. S. S. 1. New music will be learned.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight, Banjeaurines 6.45 sharp; rest of club 7.15.

FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 6.45 in L. S. S. Tuesday night.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 8 for banjos; the rest be there at 8.30. 4 Apley Court.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight, March 21, at 7 p. m. sharp. Concert on March 29. Every man must attend, as important work has to be done for Mr. Loeffler. Return all parts taken for practice.

Dinner at 7 p. m., March 31, at the Parker House. Every man is requested to sign at once. Tickets $2.25 each, to be had of L. Pearse, 54 Hastings Hall.


'98 at 3.30.

'99, 1st squad at 3.30; 2nd squad at 4.30.

1900-Morrill, Clark, Palmer, Glidden, Tilton, Saltonstall, Hawes, Ayers at 5. All others at 4.15.

1901, 1st and 2nd at 2.30; all others at 4.

WELD 1901 CREW.- The following men take strength tests today: Brainerd, 2.00; Brigham, 2.10; Burton, 2.20; McConnell, 2.30; Palmer, 2.40; Wheelwright, 2.50; Proctor, 3.00; Brown, 3.10; Barker, 3.20; Emerson, 3.30; Hart, 3.40; Blake, 3.50; Cunningham, 4.00; Lawrence, 4.10; Swain, 4.20; Corbin, 4.30.
