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The Committee on Intercollegiate Debates wishes to announce that, with the sanction of the Advisory Committee on Debating, the following system of trial debates will be used in selecting Harvard's representatives against Princeton.

I. Three trial debates shall be held, the first or preliminary trial to come on Friday, March 25.

II. All men who wish to speak shall hand in their names to the committee not less than fifteen minutes before the the first debate; and their order in speaking shall be determined by lot by the committee. Men who do not hand in their names will be allowed to speak after all the others have finished. If more men hand in their names than can be easily heard in a single evening the committee reserves the right to hold the preliminary trial on two successive evenings.

III. At this first or preliminary trial each man shall be allowed to speak five minutes. The judges shall select as many men as they think fit to speak at the second trial debate.

IV. At the second trial debate which will probably be held on Tuesday, March 29, each of these men will be allowed to speak for twelve minutes. The judges shall choose an even number of men-preferably six-who shall speak at a third trial.


V. At the third trial which shall be held not later than two weeks after the first trial, these men shall speak in a formal debate each man having a main speech of twelve minutes and a rebuttal speech of five minutes. The judges shall then choose the three men and an alternate whom they think best qualified to speak against Princeton.

VI. So far as possible the same judges shall serve at all three trials.

All men who wish to speak are requested to send their names as soon as possible to P. G. Carleton, 32 Little's Block.

