

Game Between 'Varsity and Freshman Nines on Holmes Field Yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon the 'Varsity nine played a five-inning game with a picked nine from the Freshman squad on Holmes Field. The 'Varsity started in with Clements as pitcher, who soon gave way to Blake, both men pitching straight balls. For the Freshmen, Schwill and Dill, both from the 'Varsity squad did the pitching. Both teams scored four times, whereas the Freshmen secured but three hits to the 'Varsity's seven.

As a whole the playing was sharp and clean although the batting possibly was not quite what it should have been. On third, Bergen made one good stop, and at second Fincke, for the Freshmen, covered his territory in good style. Robinson at third also handled the ball well, besides getting two of the Freshmen's three hits. For their first real game of the season, even though in practice, the Freshmen may be said to have shown excellent form. Their fielding was clean and sure and they batted remarkably well for a Freshman team at this time of year. Several long drives to left and centre that might have been hits under other circumstances were gathered in by Lynch and Rand.

After the game the regular fielding practice presented the best opportunity that has been offered this year of judging of the material for the 'Varsity infield. All of the men seemed quick and accurate in their fielding. The throws were got off well and sent with speed and precision. Thrown balls were also handled well, especially by Haughton at second and Bergen at third.

The material seems to present unusual signs of promise for so early in the season, and with the coming practice, if good weather permits, a strong infield should be developed for the southern trip in April.

The make-up of the teams yesterday was:


'Varsity-Laughlin, s. s.; Bergen, 3b; Haughton, 2b; Burgess, r. f.; Rand, l. f.; Clark, 1b.; Lynch, c. f.; Pote, c.; McCornick, merely batted; Clements, Blake, p.

Freshmen-Reid, c.; Schwill, Dill, p.; Kendall, Jayne, 1b; Fincke, 2b; Cropley, Putnam, s. s.; Robinson, Whittemore, 3b.; Quincy, l. f.; Merriam, c. f.; Hayes, r. f.
