
The Hasty Pudding Play.

The Hasty Pudding play is now almost completed and the choruses have been rehearsing for the last week. The libretto has been written by H. M. Woodruff '98, the music by W. H. Rand, Jr., '98, the songs by M. S. Greenough, Jr., '98 and R. P. Utter '98, and the dialogue by F. Curtis '98. The Cambridge performances are to be given on May 2, 3 and 4, and the Boston performances at the Bijou Opera House on May 6 and 7. Tickets may be obtained at Herrick's, or of W. H. Wheelock, Ware Hall.

In general, the play is concerned with the adventures of a party of Boston people, including a Harvard professor, who are wrecked on some imaginary island, in which the government is waging war against the insurgents. The general wishes to have them executed as filibusterers, but by the ingenious devices of a Yankee reporter they manage to defeat him and leave in safety on their yacht.

Although the play will not contain quite so many local hits as "The Flying Dutchman," it will probably have a great deal of song and dialogue concerning Cambridge and Boston. At present, it seems as if the best feature would be the music, which has a great deal of snap and go. The cast has not yet been definitely decided on, but it will be settled by the end of the week. The name of the play will be "Boscabello."
