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It is important to call attention to the entire lack of available life saving apparatus at the Weld boat house. In previous years there has been a whitehall boat, the property of the club, moored to the float for the express purpose of putting out to the rescue of shipwrecked oarsmen, but unfortunately it is no longer seaworthy as it has been left in the river all winter. There is now a boat belonging to the City of Cambridge placed at the boat house by the I ark Commission for life saving purposes, but as it is chained and padlocked to the float without the seemingly necessary accompaniment of oars and locks, it can hardly be said to be available at a minute's notice.

Now there are always a number of men who have hardly been in a boat before, who go to the Weld to learn to row and are unable to keep upright in the most stable wherry. There is also inevitably considerable carelessness resulting in upsets and collisions, and as it is now, the unfortunates have little choice but to sink or swim. If the city will not rectify this state of affairs the boat club authorities should certainly see that the necessary precautions are taken. We can afford to take no risks.
