
Special Notice.

$60. WERE YOU BURNED OUT? Here's your chance. You can get a suite of two or three rooms in Trinity Hall for the rest of the year for $60. Electric light, steam heat, open fires, hot and cold water, shower baths. Fire escape in rear and rope fire escapes in each room. Apply on the premises.

DESIRABLE room to let, $50.00 for the rest of the year. 25 Holyoke House, third floor front. Two bed rooms. Shower baths on the same floor. This is a good chance for men who got burned out to get another room cheap. 12 2

STUDENT Suites to let. "The Plympton," cor. Bow, Plympton and Mt. Auburn street. 12 2

61 Perkins will be let, together with a supply of wood and coal, for $45. The room faces east and can be occupied by two persons. Inquire or write to room 2, No. 9 Linden St.

SHAMPOOING, 25 cents. Hair cutting, 25 cents. Shaving, 10 cents. Razors honed, 25 cents. All work first-class. Seven years experience with students, by J. Gardner, corner Plymouth and Bow streets. Call and see us.


A FEW vacant suites and single rooms in Read's Block, Boylston street. Hot and cold water and steam heat and bathrooms. Apply to janitor. 12 tf

FOR sale at a reduction. Set of Stevenson. Thistle edition. Good as new. J. S., Crimson office.
