

To be Observed at the Morning Service on Saturday.

Of late years there has been an increasing movement toward popular recognition of Abraham Lincoln's birthday, February 12, and now it is proposed to make public recognition of the date at Harvard.

Mr. Copeland announced a reading from the works of Lincoln on Monday next, with the hope that next year and in future years the undergraduates would undertake fitting celebrations of the event, just as the class of '93 instituted the Memorial Day services. The hint has been acted on much more promptly than Mr. Copeland expected, and although lack of time prevents any attempt at an elaborate celebration this year, the morning service at Chapel on Saturday will, thanks to some commendable activity, be devoted to President Lincoln's memory.

The Rev. George Harris, D. D., of Andover, who is now conducting morning prayers will officiate at the service, and President Eliot, who has expressed hearty approval of the plan, will make a short address.


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