
B. A. A. Cross Country Run.

An open handicap cross country run will be held on (Washington's Birthday) Tuesday, February 22, at 11 a. m. The route will be as follows: Start in front of the B. A. A. club house to Commonwealth avenue, to Beacon street, straight out Beacon to Reservoir car station, turn right into other side of Beacon street, straight into Commonwealth avenue, right side, to Exeter street, to B. A. A. club house. Finish. Distance will be about seven and one-half miles. Checkers will be posted at different points, and any competitor failing to have his number on any checker's list will be disqualified. Prizes will be given to the first six men and a prize for the fastest time.

The entry fee will be 50 cents per man. Entries will close on Saturday, February 19, with John Graham, B. A. A., Exeter street, Boston, Mass.

The Marathon run will take place on April 19. The course will be: Start at Ashland, finish on the Irvington Oval. Distance, 25 miles. Prizes will be given to the first eight men, and a souvenir to all who finish.
