$80 will rent 25 Holyoke House, a large double suite, in very desirable location, with all conveniences handy for the balance of the college year. Apply to the janitor, or at 17 Holworthy Hall. 53
BOARD for one or two students in a German family. Excellent opportunity to converse in German. 1671 Cambridge street.
WANTED.- A tutor for Exam. in Geology A. Apply to F, Crimson office.
AT the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street (Hilton's Block), you will find first class board at $6.00 per week; $5.00 to clubs of four or more. Also meal tickets (18 meals for $5.00). Transients accommodated. Meals at all hours.
ENGLISH A, 1, 2, 8, 11, and 28. Tutoring. English a specialty. Appointments by mail or at 8 Winthrop Hall, Brattle St., daily from 1.45 to 2.15 and 7.00 to 7.30.
J. H. LEWIS, A. M.5 3
LOST.- A pair of gold cuff buttons on Feb. 7. Two dollars reward,- no questions asked; return to Vincent Gilpin, 2 Trinity Hall. 5 2
TUTORING for Mid-year Exams.: French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2c, 6, 6c; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b, 1c, E, F, G, 2a.
E. T. LAMBERT, A. B., 15 Remington St., opp. Ware Hall.80 12
TUTORING in English A, 8, 15, 28. French A, 1b, 2c, 6, 8, (approved). German A, B.
R. W. COUES, A. M., 104 Mt. Auburn St.99 3
L. PINKOS and Co., Tailors.- Grand opening in our new store, (1122 Mass. Ave., (opp. Remington St.). A great reduction in prices for the months of January and February. Call and examine. 75 tf
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday nights. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, 290 Harvard street, corner of Clinton street. 2 tf
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