
'Varsity Baseball Schedule.

The revised schedule of games for the 'Varsity nine has now been completed, and is given below. Arrangements have been made for a Southern trip, the first in a number of years, to be taken during the spring recess. As will be seen on the schedule, the nine will play a game every afternoon during the week, and will thus get the advantages of outdoor practice under favorable conditions a little earlier than would otherwise be possible.

Since the schedule was printed on November 4, games have been arranged at Cambridge with Trinity on April 6, and with Brockton on April 13. The games provisionally arranged for with the University of Maryland and Annapolis Naval Academy have been cancelled, and games have been arranged for with Washington College and Columbia instead. These games are to be played April 21 and April 22 respectively. The provisional Brown game formerly announced for May 4 has been omitted.

April 6. Trinity at Cambridge.

April 9. Tufts at Cambridge.

April 13. Brockton at Cambridge.


April 16. U. of N. Carolina at Greensboro, N. C.

April 18. Washington and Lee University at Lynchburg, Va.

April 19. U of Va. at Charlottesville, Va.

April 20. Georgetown University at Washington, D. C.

April 21. Washington College at Chestertown, Md.

April 22. Columbia at New York.

April 23. Fordham College at New York.

April 27. Dartmouth at Cambridge.

April 28. Dartmouth at Cambridge.

April 30. Williams at Williamstown.

May 3. Lafayette at Cambridge.

May 7. Cornell at Ithaca, N. Y.

May 10. Amherst at Cambridge.

May 14. Princeton at Princeton, N. J.

May 17. Exeter at Cambridge.

May 18. Williams at Cambridge.

May 21. Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.

May 24. Newton A. A. at Cambridge.

May 28. Princeton at Cambridge.

June 1. Amherst at Amherst.

June 4. Brown at Cambridge.

June 7. Holy Cross at Worcester.

June 11. Pennsylvania at Cambridge.

June 15. Brown at Providence.

June 18. Holy Cross at Cambridge.

Yale games undecided.
