
The B. A. A. Meeting.

The annual indoor games of the Boston Athletic Association will be held this evening in Mechanics' Hall, Boston. The first event will be called at 7.15 o'clock and will be started at 7.30 sharp. The list of entries is very large and includes more college men than ever before.

The University of Pennsylvania has entered an extremely strong team, which includes J. D. Windsor, Jr., the intercollegiate high jumper; Hoffman and Tewkesbury in the 40-yards dash; A. Grant in the mile run, and Kraenzlein, the all-round athlete.

Most of Yale's entries are in the distance runs, where she promises to make a good showing. J. J. Peter, the old Andover champion hurdler, is her only man in the hurdles, but he is very fast indoors. S. C. Byers is one of the scratch men in the dash.

Both Bowdoin College and Holy Cross have a large number of men entered who will probably take some prizes.

Fewer Harvard men than usual are to take part this year, but many of those who are entered are inter collegiate point winners. F. H. Bigelow '98 will run in both dashes. F. B. Fox 2L., who was second in the hurdles at Mott Haven last year, is scratch man in the 45-yards hurdles. D. Grant, M. S, is one of the six in the special invitation mile run. W. G. Morse '99 and F. H. F. Holt '99 will take part in the high jump. This event promises to be one of the best of the evening, as at least six of the men have records of six feet or over.


The non-collegiate entries include some of the best amateur runners in the country. Among these may be mentioned T. P. Curtis, a member of the B. A. A. Athens team; G. G. Hollander, K. A. C.; I. K. Baxter of Philadelphia, and A. J. Walsh, N. Y. A. C.

The programme contains eight college team races and three inter-club races.

The order of events will be as follows:

40 yds. handicap, 40 yds. invitation, one mile invitation race, 600 yds. handicap. Team races.- K. A. C. vs. B. A. A., M. I. T. vs. Boston College, Boston Y. M. C. A. vs. Cambridge Y. M. C. A., Harvard class teams, U. of P. vs. Holy Cross, Williams vs. Amherst; 45 yds. high hurdles; 1000 yds. handicap; one mile run, handicap; 440 yds. scratch. Team races.- Company H. Artillery vs. 2nd U. S. Artillery, Harvard vs. Bowdon, Dartmouth vs. Brown, Cornell vs. Columbia, Harvard vs. Yale.
