

'VARSITY AWKWARD SQUAD.- No rowing today.

FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Practice at 3.30 Monday.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- Shoot today at Walnut Hill. All men who can must turn out. Trains from Union Station at 12 and 2 p. m.

WATER POLO.- Will Newlin, Taylor, McNaught, Ried, Hennen, Newhall and all other men who have played in match or practice games be at 36 Holyoke at 12.30 Saturday to decide about game with Pennsylvania.

PROSPECT UNION.- Teachers are urged to make a special effort to be regular with their classes during the mid-year period, or, if they are themselves prevented from meeting them, to send competent substitutes.


WATER POLO.- Will Newlin, Taylor, McNaught, Ried, Hennen, Newhall and all other men who have played in match or practice games be at 36 Holyoke at 12.30 Saturday to decide about game with Pennsylvania.

ALL men wishing to try for Assistant Business Manager of the Monthly for the rest of this year, with the prospect of Business Managership next year, call at 10 Stoughton afternoons and evenings.
