
Ice Hockey.

Yesterday afternoon the ice hockey team played a practice game against the Newtowne Athletic Club of Cambridge at the Locust Street Rink in Boston. The team showed improvement since the game with Brown and won by the score of 4 3, making three points before Newtowne scored. Matteson has improved more than any of the rest and is now the strongest player on the team. The lineup was as follows: Forwards, Boardsell, Goodridge, Hardy, and Matteson; coverpoint, Stevens; point, Holt; goal, Russell.

This afternoon at 3.30, the team will play Newtowne again at the Locust Street Rink. On Friday, there will be a game with Technology and on Monday with Andover, both to be played at Boston. The second Brown game has been postponed, and the Yale game will be played in Cambridge on Saturday, February 12, probably at the rink on Mt. Auburn street.

The 1900 ice hockey team has been handicapped lately by the snowfall, and they have not been able to practice. A scrub team was defeated last Saturday by St. Marks. H. L. Ewer is acting as temporary captain.
