

DOUMIC LECTURES.- Ushers for the Cercle Francais lectures must be present at Sanders Theatre, Tuesday afternoon at 3.30 sharp, to receive instructions. Dates of lectures are as follows: March 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16.

FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Practice from now on will be at 4.15 instead at at 4.

WELD BOAT CLUB.- The membership books of the club are now at Amee's Book Store. Any member of the University can become entitled to all the privileges of the boat house by singing the book at Amee's and paying his fee in advance. The fees are $10 for 4 years; $8 for 3 years; $7 for 2 years; $5 for 1 year. Lockers $1 extra.

HARVARD CAMERA CLUB.- A meeting of past and present members of the Harvard Camera Club will be held at the house of Professor de Sumichrast, 16 Quincy street, on Tuesday evening next, March 1, at eight o'clock.

All members of the University interested in photography are cordially invited to attend.


THE Exeter Club dinner will be given on Friday evening (8 to 12) March 4, at the Winter Place Hotel, Boston. All old Exeter men in every department of the University are invited to be present. Professors Cilley and Amen will be the guests of the evening. Subscriptions of $2.00 per plate, payable on or before March 1, to R. F. Butts, 44 Mt. Auburn street, or N. B. Marshall, 23 Hastings Hall.

LACROSSE.- All candidates for the lacrosse team will meet at the Gymnasium, Monday, Feb. 28th, at 4 o'clock sharp. All men not trying for other athletic teams are urged to come out. Sticks can be obtained of F. B. Taylor, 15 Holyoke house.
