To the Editors of the Crimson:
DEAR SIR:- The Photograph Committee feel that we ought to say something in defence of Mr. Wiggin whom you so vigorously attacked in an editorial Saturday.
The publication of the Portfolio was started by Mr. Wiggin in 1890 and was continued by him until his graduation in 1892. He was then puzzled as to what disposition he should make of the book. He considered presenting the book to the class of '93 with the intent that it should be given annually to the incoming Senior class; but being anxious for the continued existence of the book, Mr. Wiggin feared to make the presentation, feeling that the interest of the class or some succeeding class for this publication might not be great enough to keep it alive.
The plan finally hit upon was that of letting the Portfolio out from year to year to some one identified with college for a rental sufficiently large to insure its being brought out.
Upon learning that the class of '98 were sufficiently in erested to take steps toward bringing out a book of their own, Mr. Wiggin came to the conclusion that the time had perhaps come when the work might be presented to the successive Senior classes without danger of dying out. Mr. Wiggin then very kindly offered to the Photograph Committee the privilege of using his copyright if they choose to do so.
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Mr. Black's Lecture.