SENIOR CREW.- All candidates for the '98 crew row in the tank at 4.30 this afternoon.
'99 CREW.- All men meet in the Gymnasium at 4.30. No rowing. Dibblee will be in charge.
1900 CREW.- Tank squad row at 3 o'clock; weight squad at 5.30.
'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.45 p. m. in L. S. S. 1 for old and new members. Will all the old men who have parts to the pieces bring them to the rehearsal.
THE Exeter Club dinner will be given on Friday evening (8 to 12) March 4, at the Winter Place Hotel, Boston. All old Exeter men in every department of the University are invited to be present. Professors Cilley and Amen will be the guests of the evening. Subscriptions of $2.00 per plate, payable on or before March 1, to R. F. Butts, 44 Mt. Auburn street, or N. B. Marshall, 23 Hastings Hall.
R. C. DAVIS 1L, R. F. BUTTS '99, N. B. MARSHALL 2L, Committee.WELD BOAT CLUB.- There will be an important meeting of the governing board at 5.30 this afternoon in 27 Holyoke House. Postals are wrong.
WHIST CLUB.- Members are remineded that in the club tournament for the Crosby trophy eight matches are required to qualify. But eight matches remain in the tournament.
FRENCH PLAY.- There will be a rehearsal of the first act this afternoon at 4.30 in Ware Hall Gymnasium. All men trying for parts in the first act must be present.
WELD 1901 CREW.- Be at Boat House dressed to row at 4.45. Dress at the Gymnasium.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers daily during Lent at 7 p. m. in 17 Grays.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- Trial of candidates Friday, Feb. 25, at 7 o'clock in Roberts Hall. Every candidate must bring a solo with piano accompaniment.
WELD BOAT CLUB.- Important meeting of club in Sever 1 at 7 sharp this evening.
WELD BOAT CLUB.- The membership books of the club are now at Amee's Book Store. Any member of the University can become entitled to all the privileges of the boat house by singing the book at Amee's and paying his fee in advance. The fees are $10 for 4 years; $8 for 3 years; $7 for 2 years; $5 for 1 year. Lockers $1 extra.
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