
Relay Teams for the B. C. Games.

Trials were held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of choosing the men to run on the 'Varsity relay team which will race against the University of Pennsylvania in the Boston College games of the 28th; and to pick the Freshman team which will run against the Yale freshmen in the same meeting.

In the 'Varsity race the men will each run six laps or 780 yards; while the Freshmen will run the customary 390 yards.

The teams will be made up as follows:

'Varsity race-D. Grant M. S., captain, E. D. Fullerton '98, E. F. Alexander '99, A. W. Blakemore 1L. Substitutes, L. C. Ledyard 1900, F. R. Plumb, Jr., '99.

Freshman race-P. L. Fish, captain, S. H. Bush, W. G. Clerk, M. L. Bernstein. Substitute, J. Miller.

