
Musical Clubs.

The 'Varsity Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs all held trials for candidates last evening and a fair number of men were retained. The clubs have been doing very well this year, the concert Thursday evening at Steinert Hall, Boston, being especially successful. The list of concerts for the rest of this month is: Feb. 19, at the University Club, by the Glee Club; Feb. 21, Concord, all the clubs; Feb. 22, Chestnut Hill, all the clubs.

The men retained last night for further trial were:

For the Glee Club-1st tenors: H. C. Hawkins 1901, O. J. Heinrick D. S., D. Gordon; 2nd tenor: B. H. Ellis 1901, C. M. Ladd 1900, F. N. Aldred 1900; 1st bass: R. B. Bedford 1900, S. B. Brown 1900, C. B. Hollings 1900, W. H. Smith 1901, C. O. Swain 1900, C. N. Prouty Sp.; 2nd bass: F. H. Merrill 1901.

For the Banjo Club-Banjeaurines: C. H. Bell 1900, N. B. Vanderhoof 1901; banjos: R. B. Foster 1900, guitars: P. Bancrcft '99, J. M. Kullmer 1900, W. S. Holt 1900.

For the Mandolin Club-W. A. Parker 1901, T. Nickerson '99, D. Brown 1901, P. Bancroft '99, and C. S. Edgell '99.

