
Fact and Rumor.

The Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs of Williams College, have made arrangements for an Easter trip through New York State.

Mrs, Waldo Richards will give a recital in Brattle Hall on Monday evening. The programme will include selections from Stevenson, Kipling, Eugene Field' James Whitcomb Riley and others. The reading is to be in the interest of a charity.

Chicago and Michigan have agreed upon the following subject for their annual debate this year: "Resolved, That the rejection by the United States Senate of the arbitration treaty with Great Britain was wise." Chicago will defend the negative.

The first of the rehearsals of the new college string quartette of undergraduates was held at the house of Dean Briggs last evening before a few members of the University, and proved highly successful. The quartette is made up of C. S. Oakman 1900, first violin; H. R. Johnson 1900, second violin; F. L. Waldo '98, viola, and E. Sachs 1900, 'cello.
