
Dudleian Lecture.

Rev. J. H. Barrows, D. D., who delivered the Dudleian Lecture in Appleton Chapel last evening, took for his subject "Natural Religion as revealed in Hindooism." Whereas Christianity is steadily progressing, said he, Hindooism has shown a retrogression from its former ideals. The great reason for this degeneracy is to be found in the positive refusal of the Hindoo to recognize in his religion that broad human sympathy which is the basis of Chris tianity. His is a cold, impersonal pantheism, revelling in contradictions, tolerating all forms of religion and even no religion at all; but refusing to tolerate anything which conflicts with his caste system. With a marvillous faculty of imagination and beauty of thought, the Hindoo compbines vices of the worst kind. As Macaulay says, with the Hindoo "emblems of vice are emblems of worship." He needs Christianity to teach him purity, the dignity of human nature, and the need of helping others.
