
Cercle Francais Meeting.

Professor A. C. Van Daell of M. I. T., delivered a lecture on Guy de Maupassant last night before a full meeting of the Cercle Francais. The lecturer read selections from the prose and the poetic works of De Maupassant, and compared him with Flaubert.

The annual election of officers took place at this meeting. J. H. Hyde '98, was re-elected president; G. McC. Sargent '99, was elected vice-president; R. L. Hoguet '99, secretary; and E. L. Dudley, treasurer. Dr. A. C. Coolidge was re-elected faculty member of the executive committee.

The following men put down their names as candidates for the ballet of "Le Medecin Malgre Lui," to be given April 11, 12 and 14:

C. S. Forbes 1900, E. L. Adams 1900, R. A. Jackson '99, H. C. Force 1901, S. R. Maxwell Sp., A. M. Rock 1900, C. Runnels 1900, J. Bigelow, Jr., 1900, L. C. Ledyard, Jr., 1900, E. Harris 1900, F. R. Swift '99, R. A. Bliss 1900, H. Williams, Jr., '99, D. Harris 1900, P. Brown '99, H. Fitzgerald 1900, R. Wolcott, Jr., '99, W. R. Castle 1900.

The men who applied for parts in the play itself were as follows. There are eleven parts in the cast. R. L. Hoguet '99, F. Pope Sp., A. Michelson 1901, H. Miffin, Jr., 1900, F. W. Morrison 1900, A. S. Hills 1900, T. Michelson 1901, W. E. Waterhouse '98, J. H. Holliday 1900, E. L. Dudley 1900, R. S. Holland 1900, D. Scott 1900, H. B. Stanton 1900, H. F. Robinson '98, B. Bell 1900, R. Gilder '99, G. Ward '98.


Of these men, Hoguet, Dudley, Ward and Robinson have appeared in previous Cercle performances.

The management of the play will be in the hands of G. McC. Sargent '99, general manager; A. Adams '99, assistant manager; R. P. Bellows '99, property manager; A. M. Rock 1900, ballet manager; B. R. Robinson '98, stage manager; and E. L. Dudley 1900, cast manager. Other men who wish to apply for any position may sent their names to G. McC. Sargent, 18 Holworthy Hall, or to A. Adams, 28 Holyoke street.

M. Gibbe, who is going to coach the candidates for the play won the enthusiasm of the men by an inspiring talk on stage methods. The dates of the rehearsals will be announced later.

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