
Meeting of Battery Candidates.

A meeting of the 'Varsity battery candidates was held yesterday afternoon in the Trophy Room, for the purpose of giving Captain Rand an opportunity to map out the work for the coming season and to outline the system of training.

The squad will soon be cut down by Mr. Lewis, and two divisions made. These will have different times of practice and will be given different kinds of work, based upon the showing made in the elementary developmental process which the men have first passed through. Those men who have shown promising form and have thus far obtained fair control of the ball will devote all of their time to pitching to a batter, whereas the other squad will be kept on the elementary work until they have qualified themselves for going into the more advanced division.

The bulk of the work will begin upon the completion of the new cage, when a larger building and more spacious accommodations for fielding and batting will give a better opportunity for more effective training.
