

REV. Robert Dolling of London, England, will speak in St. John's Chapel, corner of Brattle and Mason streets, at Evening Service at 5.30 this evening. Harvard students and others interested are invited.

WELD FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates be dressed to row at Gym. at 5 p. m.

CRICKET PRACTICE as usual at eleven sharp.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Concert tonight.

'VARSITY Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.- Concert tonight in Newton Centre. Special car leaves the square at 6.30 promptly. All men wear white ties.


SPRING CHESS TOURNAMENT.- All games in the first round of the tournament should be played on or before February 23. The results, signed by both players, are to be left at 1 Grays. The drawings for the first round were published in the Crimson on January 17.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Trial of candidates will be held in Lower Dane on Feb. 14 and 18, at 7 p. m. 5 0

THERE will be a trial of candidates for the 'Varsity Banjo Club on Friday, Feb. 18, at 7 p. m. at 68 Mt. Auburn St. Banjeaurines, banjos and guitars are needed, especially guitars.

ICE HOCKEY. Be at Pach's today at 1 p. m.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal day at 4.45 p. m. in L. S. S. 1.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Important rehearsal tonight at 6.45.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- A trial of candidates will be held on Friday, Feb. 18, at 8 p. m. in 4 Stoughton. All mandolin and guitar players are urged to try, especially guitars.

HARVARD FORUM.- Business meeting at 7.30 Wednesday evening in Sever 11. Semi-annual election of officers.

THERE will be a meeting of the Deutcher Verein tonight at 7.30 sharp in 68 Mt. Auburn street.
