
Official Notice.

ENGINEERING 3A.- Text-book for second half-year, Anthony's "Machine Drawing" (at Co-op.). Bring to lecture.

W. V. MOSES.11 2

ENGINEERING 3E.- Lecture on Friday, Feb. 18, at 11.00, in Eng. Lab. Bring "Modern Stone Cutting and Masonry," by Siebert and Biggin.

W. V. MOSES.MATH. E.5.- The two sections will meet on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one at 9 a. m., in U. 19, the other at 1.30 p. m., in Sever 24. Enrolment in both will occur on Tuesday, Feb. 15.

F. H. SAFFORD.SENIORS and Juniors who wish to study reading and speaking with Mr. Copeland and are not already members of other classes, will present themselves in Sever 17, Mondays at 2.30 p. m.


Two other new classes, open to all students of the University, will meet on Thursdays-from 11 to 12, in Sever 14; from 12 to 1, in Sever 18.

HYGIENE 1.- Students intending to take this course may cousult regarding it, Saturday, 11-12.30 and Monday, 11.30-12.30, at the Physiological Laboratory, Lawrence Scientific School.

Lists of laboratory hours and sections are posted and should be signed by those who have arranged for the course as early as possible (before Tuesday morning).

Laboratory work begins 11 a. m. Tuesday.

