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The CRIMSON takes great pleasure in welcoming to Cambridge, President William DeWitt Hyde, of Bowdoin College, who begins tomorrow night his term of service as University Preacher. Though, as a graduate of Harvard, President Hyde is one of our own number and doubtless feels a special interest on that account in the service to which he has been invited, yet as the head of a neighboring college, he performs an act of friendship and courtesy in coming here, which cannot fail to be appreciated, especially as it necessitates a complete interruption, for the time being, of his action and valued work as head of a neighboring college. Here is certainly a most pleasing evidence of an intercollegiate fellowship, which no university is, or should be, more desirous of cultivating than Harvard.

We take this occasion to thank Professor Harris of Andover, whose term, it is much to be regretted, has fallen at a time of the year when attendance at chapel is small. It is unnecessary to assure him of the high value which those who have heard him have placed upon his service.
