In view of the important report of Dr. Sargent to the Committee on Physical Training, which was reviewed in Tuesday's CRIMSON, and which suggested that Harvard adopt some compulsory or elective system of physical training, the methods in use at some other universities and colleges are given below. It will be seen that it is no new departure for which Dr. Sargent asks. These institutions require gymnasium exercise throughout the college course and give credit for the work done.
Brown University requires each student to exercise four hours a week in the gymnasium. For class drill the freshmen use Indian clubs, the sophomores dumb-bells, the juniors single-sticks, and the seniors fencing foils. During the sophomore and junior years boxing and wrestling may be substituted. In addition there are class-divisions for exercise with chest weights, bars, etc. Each student is regularly marked and credited in his gymnasium work, faithfulness and punctuality being the tests.
At Vanderbilt University attendance upon the gymnasium is required. Credit is given for systematic work in physical training, three hours of exercise being equivalent to one hour's work of recitation. It is understood, however, that this hour allowed to physical culture shall be counted in addition to, and not as a substitute for, the hours already required for a degree.
At the Indiana University regular class work or individual work for those unable to take class work, is given three days a week from the middle of October to the first of May. In order to receive credit, there is required, in addition to the exercises, either a course of lectures on the care of the body, or a course of prescribed reading with written reviews. The credit is equal to that of a one-hour recitation once a week, or three-fifths credit for the year.
At the University of Illinois several courses are offered or required. Gymnasium and Field Practice is required in winter term twice a week as a part of military science and is given one-fourth credit. Other courses have credit given for the work done in them.
At Bowdoin College a course of lectures on human anatomy and physiology is given the Freshman class. On entering college every student is examined and given a list of prescribed exercises. During the winter term each class is required to spend a half-hour on four days of the week in the gymnasium. For this class drill freshmen have military drill and Indian clubs; sophomores, wrestling and dumb-bells; juniors, boxing and fencing; seniors, fencing with foils. In addition there are class sections for the apparatus exercises.
Yale requires all freshmen, except members of the athletic teams, to take regular gymnasium exercise.
Princeton required physical exercise from 1869 to within a few years, when the plan was abandoned on account of the meagre accommodations of the gymnasium.
The University of Pennsylvania, on account of the small size of its gymnasium, only requires the attendance of the freshmen upon a course of lectures on Physical Training and Hygiene.
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