TRACK TEAM.- Shot men will meet in the Carey Building in two squads daily, except Saturday. The first squad will exercise at 3 o'clock sharp, and the second at 4.30. On Saturdays Mr. Perrie will be at the cage from 10 to 1 o'clock.
The following men please be in the Gymnasium dressed to jump, under the direction of Mr. J. E. Morse, at 7 o'clock this evening: W. G. Morse, A. N. Rice, F. H. F. Holt, H. J. Holt, C. M. Rotch, C. H. Whitney, S. S. Beardsley, J. W. Edson, W. C. Burton. R. F. Blake, S. H. Bush, and all others who intend to try for the high jump. The above named men need do no work in the regular squads today.
There will be no regular squads on Saturday afternoons. All men training for the team races must surely come out with the morning squads on Saturdays.
FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- A second trial of candidates for the club will be held in 4 Apley Court, Monday evening, January 10, at 8.15 sharp. Guitar players are especially urged to try.
CRICKET practice will be held daily at 11 o'clock in the Gymnasium cage. All men wishing to try for the eleven and new men especially are urged to come out.
THE next meeting of the Freshman Debating Club will be held on Monday, Jan. 10. There will be an open debate on the question: "Resolved, That it is for the interests of the United States to build and maintain a large navy."
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Special Notices.