
Special Notice.

C. A. SCOTT and Co., 2a Beacon street, Boston, are seeking candidates for position in a Boys College Preparatory School, to begin work in Sept. Teachers of Classics, salary, $1000 and Living, History and English, same salary; French and German, $900 and living, are wanted. Desired qualifications-men who fitted at St. Paul's, St. Marks, Lawrenceville, or Groton; single; two years' experience; churchmen. 74 3

ERNEST W. CLARK, plumber, next to Ramsden's, makes a speciality of gas fixtures, lamps, chimneys and electrical work. Orders taken for Welsbach lights. 74 10

PERKINS 66 will rent for $50 for the remaining two-thirds of the year. Apply to Bursar. 76 4

STUDENTS find first class board at reasonable rates at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street (Hilton Block). Special rates for club rooms and club tables.

HARVARD INN, corner of Harvard and Prescott Streets, Cambridge. Firstclass rooms and table board. Transients a specialty. 74 6


CLUB TABLES and table board at the Craigie Inn, 126 Mt. Auburn St. 74 6

BOXING.- Do you want to take boxing lessons? If so there is no better man than Wm. S. Gordon, who has been appointed instructor at the Gymnasium. Lessons at Gymnasium or at rooms. Wm. S. Gordon, 35 Boylston street, Cambridge. 27 tf

SKATING is good, but you want a pair of good heavy shoes to enjoy it. Go to Newman's and see the black calf or the tan shoe made especially for this sport. Price in black or tan $3.00 to $6.00. Don't miss it.


STUDENTS! JOE'S is a first-class barber shop, neat and clean. Greatest caution used in all respects. Seven years' experience with students. Corner Plympton and Bow streets. Hair-cutting 25c., Shaving 10c., Shampooing 25c., Razors set 25c. 76 2

A FLORIST in Harvard Square.- Phillip L. Carbone, whose Boston flower place is on Boylston St., will today open a place on Boylston St., Cambridge. American Beauty, "Jack" Roses, and all other cut flowers. House plants.
