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The plans proposed in another column this morning in regard to some general system of prescribed physical culture here at Harvard, will arouse considerable interest. The feeling has become general of late among many of our graduates, that not only are many men losing as much in bodily health as they gain in mental development during their stay in college, but that our athletes often do not make the most of themselves. In the one case it is simply because regular exercise is not thought of; in the other because it is merely seasonal.

The plans proposed are intended merely as suggestions. It is not the wish of the graduates who are interested in the matter to ram a disagreeable prescription down the undergraduate throat, that is distinctly a non-Harvard policy. It is hoped, however, that they will awaken interest and support, and that undergraduates who may think of some better method of meeting the present visible difficulties, will not be diffident in coming forward with suggestions

The CRIMSON will take pleasure in publishing the ideas of any who are interested, provided they are plausible.
