
A Tribute to Marshall Newell.

To the great majority of the readers of yesterday's journals, the news of the death of Marshall Newell possibly signified simply that a noted athlete of exceptionally fine character had died at the early age of 27 years, but to all those of us who knew Marshall Newell I fancy there were few, as we read the sad news at the breakfast table while outside the bright sun was shining on the happy Christmas Day, who did not feel our eyes moisten and a heavy strain on our heart-strings.

Of Marshall Newell it was indeed true that "None knew him but to love him, nor named him but to praise." And what was the secret of this love and respect that he inspired in all who knew him? I think it is best answered by one word, character. Through his whole life his high character was stamped on whatever he did, whether at his studies or in athletics, or while working on the far away Berkshire farm, or engaged in his business occupation of the past two years Never did a man better exemplify Harvard's motto of "Veritas." He seemed to be true to his own self in everything he did and said. We all felt as we looked into his clear open face that here was a man in whom implicit trust and confidence could be placed, while to

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