
A Tribute to Marshall Newell.

(Continued from first page.)

his strength and honesty were united a sincerity, simplicity and innocence of character which made his presence always refreshing and inspring. He reminded me of some strong, healthy and noble oak or pine of the Berkshire Hills which he loved so well, and his life seemed to be as pure and sweet as some crystal stream flowing down Monument Mountain.

We call his death an untimely one, and yet, is it not as true today as it was nineteen hundred years ago, in the time of Him whose birthday we have just celebrated, that it is the quality of a man's life and not the quantity which is the only true test of earthly life? It seems to me, as I think of some of those sons of Harvard whose death in recent years we regret so much, Greenhalge and Russell, Phillips Brooks, and Charles Eliot of my own class, and of football fame our friend Newell, William H. Manning who met his death under similar conditions with true Christian heroism, Edward T. Cabot, Samuel Dexter and Alward, that we ought to rejoice and be thankful that they were with us and that their lives were what they were, rather than to lament that their lives were not as long as we would have wished.

Let us take the lesson of Newell's life to heart, so that perhaps one day it can be said of us as we now say of him, that the world is better because he has been in it and been a part of it.

Thackeray's immortal description of Colonel Newcome's death comes to me as I think of our friend Marshall Newell, "And lo, he whose heart was as that of a little child, had answered to his name and stood in the presence of his Master."


THOMAS C. THACHER, Class of 1882.Dec. 26, 1897.
