The number of the Advocate which appears today contains several bits of verse of the usual Advocate quality, and six stories or sketches, none of which are bad, and two or three of which are well above the average. An unsigned sketch parading under the deceptive title "College Kodaks," produces a very full and clear impression in a page of remarkably simple almost matter of fact narrative. "To Say the Least: Ungentlemanly," by H. Williams, Jr., is much in the Stockton vein. The off-hand rapidity of the action is most admirably suited to its impossible but amusing plot. "By Two," by F. M. Alger, is as good as it is hard to characterize.
In the editorial the frank statement is made that "The Advocate and the Monthly certainly are not so crude as the periodicals" of some of the smaller " 'universities,' but they are not one iota more accurate than these periodicals in their attempt to represent the literary standard which one has a right to expect of the college."
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