The meeting for the organization of the Graduate Athletic Association will be held in Sanders Theatre tonight at 8 p. m. General W. A. Bancroft '78 will preside, and the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt '80 will speak. Seats will be reserved on the stage for members of the Corporation and Board of Overseers, and former captains of athletic teams. The gallery and all unoccupied space at the back of the hall will be open after the meeting begins to undergraduates. Any Harvard graduate now in a graduate school who desires to join the Association or is interested in the movement will be expected in the body of the theatre. Music will be furnished by the College Band and by the Glee Club.
The principal business before the meeting will be the adoption of a constitution and the election of the first executive committee. The committee on organization, who have for some time past been hard at work to perfect the plans, will present the following nominations for the executive committee:
A. G. Hodges '74, of New York City; W. A. Bancroft '78, Cambridge; E. D. Brandegee '81, Utica, N. Y.; G. B. Morrison '83, Boston; R. W. Boyden '85, Beverly; J. J. Storrow '85, Boston; A. P. Gardner '86, Hamilton, Mass.; W. A. Brooks, Jr., '87, Boston; A. F. Holden '88, Salt Lake City; J. H. Sears '89, New York City; E. C. Storrow '89, Boston; J. P. Hutchinson '90, Philadelphia; K. Fairbank '90, Chicago; N. Longworth '91, Cincinnati; A. J. Cumnock '91, New York City; J. P. Lee '91, New York City; F. N. Watriss '92, New York City; L. Frothingham '93, Boston; A. J. Dibblee '93, San Francisco; B. G. Waters '94, Boston, R. D. Wrenn '95, N. Y. City; N. W. Bingham '95, Somerville; D. D. Scannell '97, Boston; E. N. Wrightington '97, Boston.
This list has been made out after careful consideration, and with the aid of numerous suggestions from outside sources. Every effort has been made to obtain a body representative of all the principal sports and of as many different localities as possible. It includes, in Messrs. Gardner, Brooks and Frothingham, the three graduate members of the Harvard Athletic Committee. Messrs. Bancroft, Storrow '85, Storrow '89, Watriss, Brandegee and Hutchinson represent rowing. Boyden, Hodges, Frothingman, Scannell and Wrenn represent baseball. Brooks, Waters, Wrightington, Sears, Cumnock and Holden are football men. Morrison, Lee and Bingham stand for track athletic interests. Gardner, Dibblee, Fairbank and Longworth were all prominent in class athletics.
The head coaches have decided that they will be more free in the performance of their regular work if they are not on this committee, and for this reason they are not on the list.
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