
Awkward Squad.

The men who are rowing on the awkward squad went out on the river yesterday for the first time. Captain Goodrich coached them by pairs in the following order:

F. Palmer 1900, and L. P. Marvin '98; C. O. Swain 1900, and N. Cabot '98; W. D. Hennen '98, and A. F. Riggs '98; C. P. Adams '99, and A. H. Rice '98; R. O. Hodges '98, and H. P. D. Kingsbury '99. T. Catlin '99, and E. B. Beckwith '99, are still with the squad, but were not out yesterday.

Captain Goodrich has been coaching the squad for about two weeks and has been making constant changes by bringing out new men and dropping others. The men will go on the water regularly now if the weather permits, until the class crews are called out immediately after the mid-years.
