
Fact and Rumor.

The Harvard Club of Washington will hold a dinner Feb. 1.

The candidates for the Yale freshman crew have been cut down from 100 to 60.

The crews of Pennsylvania and the Annapolis Naval Cadets will meet at Annapolis on May 20.

The meeting of the Freshman Debating Society to elect officers for the last half year will be held Monday evening, Feb. 14.

Professor O. C. Marsh of Yale has presented to that university his valuable scientific collections now deposited in the Peabody Museum.


Miss Mary Medlicott of Springfield, Mass., has presented twenty volumes to the Child Memorial Library in memory of her father, the late W. G. Medlicott.

M. Rene Domnic who is to lecture at Harvard this year under the auspices of the Cercle Francais is also expected to lecture at New Haven under the auspices of the French Department of Yale University.

Two graduates of Yale, Edgar T. Heermance '97, and Murray S. Howland '97, have been awarded the first and second prize offered to students in Biblical Literature by the American Institute of Sacred Literature.

The Yale Corporation have decided to appoint a committee to appoint a committee to prepare for the proper celebration in October 1901, of the bicentennial anniversary of the granting of the charter to Yale college.

Princeton has made overtures to Pennsylvania for a series of baseball games, but Pennsylvania before meeting its former rival again, will ask for a five years agreement for meetings in all branches of sport.
