TUTORING for Mid-year Exams.: French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2c, 6, 6c; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b, 1c, E, F, G, 2a.
E. T. LAMBERT, A. B., 15 Remington St., opp. Ware Hall.80 12
TUTORING in Sciences.- Physics B; Chemistry B, 1; Geology 4, 8; Zoology 1, 3; Botany 2; Mineralogy 2. In languages: Greek A, B, C; Latin A, B, C, 10. German, French.
PORTER E. SARGENT, A. M., F. HEILIG, A. B., 49 Matthews.Hours 1-2.30; 6.30-7.30. 84 4
MATH. A, Math. D, Engineering 1a, Engineering 1b, Physics B, Physics C, Physics 1,-tutoring. Seventh year as a tutor. A. E. Doucette, 1208 Mass. Ave., opposite Beck Hall. 75
NOTICE to Students.- Having to meet some large payments the first of the year, I have decided to put in my entire stock of shoes and rubbers at less than cost price. This is really the biggest reduction in the price of first class goods ever seen in Cambridge. Look in the window and be convinced. Now is your chance, for cash.
TUTORING in English A, 8, 15, 28. French A, 1b, 1c, 2c, 6, 7, 9 (approved). German A.
R. W. COUES, A. M., 104 Mt. Auburn St.85 3
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