
Sophomore Debating Club.

An enthusiastic meeting of the Sophomore Debating Club was held last evening in Sever 11. The question debated was: "Resolved, That all matters of policy pertaining to the management of athletic teams, except the election of captains, should be left to the decision of the whole undergraduate body assembled in mass meeting." T. H. Eaton and E. L. Adams spoke on the affirmative; J. M. Kullmer and L. K. Clark on the negative. By the decision of the judges the affirmative won. A large number of men spoke from the floor. After the debate a largely attended smoker was held in Grays 11 in honor of the team which represented the club in the Freshman-Sophomore inter-club debate. A number of speeches were made, urging participation in the trials for the Princeton debate.

R. C. Hatch was elected as the Sophomore member of the Advisory Committee on Debating.

Columbia will meet Brown in track athletics at Providence on May 7, and Princeton at Princeton on May 21.

The University of Wisconsin has accepted challenges for debates with the Universities of Illinois and Iowa.
