

Christmas Trip of the Musical Clubs.- Track Team Candidates.

The trip taken by the University Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs during the Christmas vacation was a decided success both socially and financially. The trip lasted from December 21 to December 30, and concerts were given in eight cities. The clubs will probably give a concert on February 11, the evening of the junior promenade. Preliminary dance cards have already been issued by the promenade committee. The dance will be held as usual, in the Casino.

The subject for the prize debate to be held on Washington's Birthday has been chosen, and is: "Resolved, That the United States should adopt a system of postal savings banks." The following men have been elected to represent the different classes in the debate: '98, D. F. Altland; '99, W. M. Schultz; 1900, S. B. Scott; 1901, S. T. Jones. In the oratorical contest to be held the same day, C. G. Wells will represent the seniors; R. L. Bachmann, Jr., the juniors; D. C. Chambers, the sophomores; and J. Brewer, the freshmen.

A large number of men have reported at the gymnasium in response to the call for candidates for the track team. The men were divided up into squads, with reference to the special events for which they are trying, each squad being under the supervision of some member of last year's team, Trainer Christy, of course, having charge of the entire work. During the winter months nothing more than light gymnastic work will be expected from the men.

Blair Hall, the new dormitory, will be ready for occupancy by the beginning of next term. The building will accommodate about one hundred men. The rooms are almost entirely arranged ensuite. Steam heat will be used in the hall-ways, with fire places in every room.


