
Special Notice.

STUDENTS' Hair Dressing Studio, corner Plympoon and Bow streets. Seven years' experience with students by Joe Gardner and his able assistant, formerly of the Adams House. Give them a trial.

BOXING.- Once more Wm. S. Gordon, appointed instructor in boxing at the "Gym" will be glad to give free lessons in the art of punching the boxing bag to Harvard men. Call in and arrange for lesson at the "Gym."

TUTORING in Philosophy. Courses: 13, 7, 6, 8, 9.

H. H. HORNE, A. M., (Harvard), 19 Divinity Hall.89 2

LOST.- Notes in French 6, left in Harvard 5 on Monday the 17th. Finder please return them to Crimson office or to E. L. Dudley, 24 Beck Hall. 89 3


LOST.- A case of Riepfler drawing instruments and a note book-both with name. E. B. Edwards on the cover. Also Kelley's Question of Ships. Will finder please leave at Crimson office and receive reward. 89 4

LOST.- Will the man who took the light overcoat from the second table down stairs at Leavitt and Peirce's last Friday night please return it. 89 2

THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf
