

Some Institutions with Elective Courses Counting Towards a Degree.

The CRIMSON has called the attention of the undergraduates to Dr. Sargent's report on physical training, with its suggestions for systematic exercise, and has given the attitude of a large number of universities and colleges towards physical training, more especially those which require gymnasium exercise, with or without credit. Today are given several institutions which are along the line of Dr. Sargent's third suggestion: that the Department of Physical Training should be put on an equal footing with the other departments, and that elective courses counting towards a degree should be offered.

Leland Stanford University offers twelve courses in physical training as electives counting towards a degree. Course 1-Gymnastic Exercises. Individual and class work, with and without apparatus, three exercises per week-counts as one hour of the fifteen per week required for A. B. Course 11-Kinesiology and History of Gymnastics; and Course 12-Special Gymnastic Training-each count as two hours work.

At the University of Nebraska four courses in gymnasium work are offered, with exercises four times each week. These courses are open to all young men as electives and count as one-fifth of the work required per year for a degree. No student may elect more than one course each year.

In 1889 the trustees of Dickinson College put the department of Physiology, Hygiene, and Physical Culture on an equal footing with the other departments of the college, making Physical Culture a part of the required work of all courses leading to a degree. From November 1 to April 1 two hours per week are required of all freshmen and sophomores.

The University of Oregon offers a course on the theory and practice of physical education which counts as a full course.

