
1900 Class Dinner.

President Burden of the Sophomore class, has appointed the following men to serve with him as a committee on arrangements for the class dinner: L. B. Brown, W. B. Cutting, Jr., F. L. Higginson, W. Phillips and L. G. O. Smith.

The committee met last evening in Claverly 20 and decided to hold the dinner at the Vendome Hotel shortly before the class races, which are to come this year before the Easter recess. W. B. Cutting, Jr., was chosen to act as toastmaster, and the following men will be asked to respond to toasts:

The Class-J. L. Saltonstall.

The Crew-F. L. Higginson.

Baseball-S. W. Lewis.


The Press-L. G. O. Smith.

Debating-R. C. Bolling.

Track Team-A. N. Rice.

Toast to the Class-E. L. Dudley.

Poem-R. S. Holland.

President Burden will make a few introductory remarks and a programme will be arranged by members of the Glee Club.
