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By the inter-club contest of last evening the new departure in Harvard debating amply justified itself. The victors are to be most heartily congratulated. Though representative of a Freshman club and comparatively inexperienced, they have yet shown ability superior to their older rivals and illustrative of the cooperation and hearty support of their fellows.

Although defeated the Sophomores have yet the satisfaction of knowing that they and the club they represent have already been of distinct service to Harvard debating. The club is still in its infancy but has shown itself a live institution, and, though defeated by a younger organization, is under the disadvantage of being less representative of the best talent in the class.

Another point which must be emphasized in regard to this debate is the careful manner in which the final speakers of both sides were chosen. It is safe to say that the system of trials used in each case was most efficacious, and that the members of both clubs feel that the final selections were without doubt the best possible. The method of selection used has justified itself and is a good example to be followed.
