

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Important rehearsal tonight at 6.45 sharp.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight in Ware Hall Gymnasium at 7 o'clock sharp.

FRESHMAN CREW.- Brewer's, Talbot's and Lawrence's squads be in the rowing room dressed to row promptly at 3.30; H. Adams's squad row at 4.30; J. H. Perkins's squad row at 3.50; other squads row the same as yesterday.

HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- Meeting of Civil Section at 7.45 tonight at 201 Craigie. Mr. M. Le Diaz will speak on "Railroads in Cuba."

WHIST CLUB.- The regular meeting of the Whist Club will be tomorrow (Friday) evening instead of tonight.


CAMBRIDGE SOCIAL UNION.- A teacher of penmanship is wanted. Apply at the rooms, Brattle square.

BAND.- Rehearsal at 7.30 p. m. in L. S. S., Room 1. Everybody requested to be present as the band has an engagement.

SPRINGFIELD CLUB.- Meeting at 1 Thayer Friday evening.

GAMMA DELTA PSI.- All members of the Fraternity in the University are asked to meet at 84 Perkins Saturday evening at 7.30. Steps will be taken to form an alumni association.
