

ICE HOCKEY.- Practice will be on Fresh Pond today at 3 p. m. More men are urged to come out to try for the team.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal for following men at 10 a. m.: Woodruff, Fairbank, Turner, Valentine, Robinson, Whitbeck, Bacon and Dennison. These men also be at the Tuilleries at 6 promptly.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Every man be at the square at 5.30 sharp this afternoon to go to Hotel Tuilleries.

FRESHMAN CREW.- Row at same times as yesterday.

WATER POLO.- Will Beardsley, New hall, McNaught, Moore, Taylor, Rumery be at B. A. A. today at 5.30. Leave car station in Harvard square at 5.

