ENGLISH 30.- Candidates for English 30 will meet in Harvard 6, Friday, Oct-1, at 3.30.
GEO. P. BAKER.ON Thursday, from 9 to 1, and on Friday and on Saturday from 10 to 12, I shall be in Holden Chapel to meet students who will take English X the coming year.
J. J. HAYES.ENGLISH 6.- Those Seniors who wish to become candidates for English 6 are reminded that the first meeting of the course is this afternoon at 3.30 in Harvard 1, when they should present themselves.
DIVINITY SCHOOL.- Opening exercises of the School, Friday, Oct. 1.
Prayers in Divinity Chapel at 8.45 a. m.
Address by Professor Hale in the same place at 9. Subject: "The Harvard Divinity School as a place for training Preachers."
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